
NEW ROAD Busan Ulsan Less 30minutes Driving Time

Corporate philosophy

Create New world with New road

As a newly constructed highway and a route lacated at the beginning of Donghae-Line,
our job is to play a new role to contribute to the development of the southeast community while being a frontier highway.
  • Rest and
    Highway of
    rest and tourism

  • Alow Carbon
    & Green Growth
    Highway of
    Low carbon and
    Green growth

  • Eco-
    Eco-friendly and
    economical highway

  • Land marka symbolic and
    representative highway
    of the region
    (as a landmark)

Core values
  • ResponsibilityComplete assigned
    tasks sincerely

  • Customer-orientedTry to understand what customer wants
    in customer perspective

  • PassionShow challenge spirit
    that there is nothing impossible.

  • HarmonyCreate pleasant
    work atmosphere.

Medium-and long-term business strategy
  • Customer-oriented managementPractice customer satisfaction management with the business attitude to fit with the standards of the the customers

  • Lead th transparent corporate cultureAccomplish a trusted company by customers, through a lead to fair and transparent corporate culture

  • Acquire financial stabilityAcquire financial stability through efficient financia management and promote diversification of income frome business incidental